The #1 digital photo guestbook

Collect guest photos for weddings and events

Photo sharing with QR codes. Relive the best memories from your favorite people without waiting for professional photos.

We instantly create a private QR code for your wedding or event that saves full resolution photos and videos to a private gallery. No app needed.

Really, it’s that easy

How it works in 4 easy steps

Step One:

Customize your gallery page using one of our pre-made page layouts

Customizing your gallery page is easy with Guestlense. Choose from 7+ pre-made site layouts and make it uniquely yours by uploading a cover image and picking a custom font.

Step Two:

Display your QR codes around your wedding or event

Easily set up your QR code to collect photos from guests. Display it prominently at your event, so guests can quickly scan and contribute their memories with just a simple scan.

Step Three:

Guests upload photos and videos during or after your event

Uploading is quick and simple. Guests can select their photos and videos, preview each one, add an optional caption, and upload them directly to the gallery.

Step Four:

View and download your favorite memories the same night

Relive your favorite moments nearly instantaneously. You and your guests can download images and videos directly from your gallery page. Alternatively, you can download images and videos in bulk from your event's management dashboard.

More than just “Cheeeese”

Why Guestlense is more than basic

Unlimited guests and photo uploads

No app or guest registration required

Private digital event guestbook with password option

7 site layout options to fully customize

30+ QR code templates with printing options

Guests can add captions along with each upload

12 month download period starting the day of your event

3 month upload period starting on the day of your event

Monitor and delete guest uploads

If you weren’t already sold

Pricing plans that won’t go over budget

Digital Guestbook

One time payment



Collect photos + videos from guests

Create Account

Unlimited photos and videos

Unlimited guests

12 month access period (starting on the event date)

3 month upload period (starting on the event date)

QR code templates (Canva)

QR code download + URL

7+ customizable site layouts

Private guestbook with password

Add captions to photo uploads

Digital Guestbook + 30 QR Cards

One time payment



We print and ship your QR cards

Create Account

Everything in Digital Guestbook

30 QR cards printed and shipped (5x7in OR 8.5x11in)

Worldwide free shipping

Have a custom card design? Email us

Digital Guestbook + 30 QR Cards + 50 Polaroid Prints

One time payment



Choose up to 50 polaroid-style photos to be printed and shipped to you

Create Account

Everything in Digital Guestbook + 30 QR Cards

1 order. Up to 50 polaroid-style photos printed and shipped

Worldwide free shipping